The Connection Between Our Thoughts, Actions & Overall Health - aifc
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Negative thoughts and actions have a negative impact on the whole of our being.

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a Ph.D. in Communication Pathology specialising in Neuropsychology. In an excerpt from her article, The Perfect You: Wired for Health , she discusses how our thoughts and the choices we make have an affect on the rest of the body.

The fact that you are wired for love is reflected in all the bodily systems. When you don’t think and choose well, when you step out of your ThePerfectYou, it affects the whole body. 75 to 98% of all mental and physical illness is a result of the thought life. If you are functioning according to ThePerfectYou, you remain in good health and your body heals a lot faster. You are wired for health.

Nervous System – Healthy thoughts literally causes the brain to grow, making you more intelligent. Since the brain is connected via the rest of the nervous system to all the rest of the body, total health increases.

Endocrine System– Healthy thoughts positively affect the hormonal balance, which in turn positively affects all the rest of the bodily systems. Even fertility can be affected by the thought life.

Immune System – Thoughts affect the functioning of the defenders of the body- the white blood cells. Healthy thoughts lead to robust white blood cells which can fight off infections and even devour cancer cells.

Intestinal System – The gut has a brain of its own. A ‘gut feeling’ is real. Healthy thoughts enable proper food digestion and therefore leads to good general health.

Integumentary System -This system includes the skin, the largest organ in the body. Healthy thoughts leads to better skin- the first line of defence against for the rest of the body.

Muscular System – When your thought life is healthy you are motivated to exercise. Exercised muscles in turn released substances that increase brain health. This is an example of an upward spiral.

Cardiovascular System – Healthy thoughts are involved in proper communication between the heart mini-brain and the skull brain, leading to the promotion of well-being by the heart’s orchestration of the whole body’s electromagnetic rhythm and harmony. Good thoughts also enhance the vascular system, thus preventing hypertension.

For nearly 30 years Dr. Caroline Leaf has researched the science of thought. She discovered that “ThePerfectYou” is reflected in the unique structuring and functioning of our brains. In other words we are wired differently according to our unique way of thinking.


Permission attained

Dr Caroline Leaf – The Perfect You: Wired for Health

Where to get help
If you need help, talking to your doctor is a good place to start.
If you’d like to find out more, or talk to someone else, here are some organisations that can help:

Black Dog Institute – Are you affected by mood swings or a mood disorder – See website for online help
Lifeline – Do you find yourself find in a Crisis? Call 13 11 14 or chat online
Suicide Call Back Service – Are you or anyone you know talking or thinking about suicide? Call 1300 659 467
SANE Australia – Living with a mental illness? Call 1800 18 7263
Beyondblue – Do you have feelings of depression or anxiety? Call 1300 22 4636 or chat online

Studying at aifc

Have you thought about becoming a qualified counsellor? It’s a great opportunity to learn how you can extend God's love and grace to the hurting out in the community.

For those who would like to enrol in aifc’s accredited Christian counselling courses we have two intakes per year for courses commencing around the following months:

  • The beginning of each year in February
  • Mid-Year courses commence in July

Enrolment Season - opens approximately 2 months prior to our courses commencing. Enrol online here during our enrolment season.

We also offer two modes of study:

  1. Seminar Blended Mode - only 13 face-to-face days per year
  2. Online Supported Mode - study online only from anywhere

A Master of Counselling course was introduced in 2018.

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