Do you Know Someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder? - aifc
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) as with other personality disorders, has long term effects on people’s thoughts, emotions and behaviours affecting all areas of life. NPD is associated with socially destructive behaviours that have a negative impact on relationships and work life.

NPD is part of the range of personality disorders with intense and unstable symptoms of emotions and a distorted self-image. The rare disorder affects more men than women and usually presents itself by early adulthood.

Below The Surface of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Those with a narcissistic personality disorder appear overly confident on the outside, which often masks their low self-esteem and their high sensitivity to open criticisms. They often over-react and repeatedly go over the things that were said. They easily feel degraded or humiliated over the slightest comments.

Criteria For Diagnosing Narcissistic Personality Disorder in DSM-5 (a handbook mental health professionals use)

  • An exaggerated sense of self-importance.
  • Fantasies of great success, power, attractiveness or intelligence.
  • Believing themselves to be special, and only able to be understood by others who are also special.
  • An increased sense of entitlement.
  • A need for constant admiration or attention.
  • Taking advantage of others, envying others, or believing others envy them.
  • Arrogance or haughtiness.
  • A lack of empathy.

Causes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

A complex combination of genetics and environment has been thought to be a likely cause for NPD although no single cause has been identified.  Family life and how a person was raised are thought to contribute to NPD.  Other likely explanations have NPD stemming from being overly spoilt or severely neglected as a child.


In Australia the first steps towards wellness are to seek a diagnosis from your doctor who will do an initial mental health assessment.  The doctor can recommend professional treatment and support. Your doctor can also construct a Medical health care plan.

Few people with NPD actually seek treatment and recovery is challenging for them as they don’t often seek help when they don’t believe their behaviour is wrong.  This belief probably stems from the lack of empathy to understand how their behaviour impacts the lives of others. However, there is therapy available to help narcissists gain a realistic understanding of others. Once in treatment, they generally do not stay in treatment as they do not believe there is a problem.

Generally NPD is a life-long disorder with periods where the symptoms reduce, but also periods where they worsen.

However, it’s good to know that recovery from narcissist personality disorder is possible if the person is willing and able to seek treatment.  A counsellor can help tailor treatment to suit the individual needs of the client.  Without a proper assessment a person can only guess that they might have this disorder.  Some could be living with a co-morbid condition where more than one mental health disorder is present within the individual. For treatment seek the help of a qualified counsellor.

Sandra Ciminelli
Cred. Dip.Couns. (Christian)

Health Direct – Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Seeking Help

Talk to your doctor about your concerns.
Visit CCAA to search for a Christian counsellor near you.
Visit ACA to search for a counsellor near you.

Studying at aifc

Have you thought about counselling?   It’s a great opportunity to learn how you can extend God’s love and grace to the hurting out in the community. For those who would like to enrol in aifc’s accredited Christian counselling courses we have two intakes per year for courses commencing around the following months:

Beginning of each year in February
Mid-year in July

Enrolment Season – opens approximately 2 months prior our courses commencing. Enquire now and fill out the form with your details to receive course information by email.  Enrol online here during our enrolment season.

Those living overseas can study aifc’s courses via our Distance Based Program.
The International Student Program, enables those with a student visa to Study On Campus in Sydney.

Note: A Master of Counselling course was introduced in 2018.

Contact aifc Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm with your enquiries on 6242 5111 or toll free on 1300 721 397

Studying at aifc

Have you thought about becoming a qualified counsellor? It’s a great opportunity to learn how you can extend God's love and grace to the hurting out in the community.

For those who would like to enrol in aifc’s accredited Christian counselling courses we have two intakes per year for courses commencing around the following months:

  • The beginning of each year in February
  • Mid-Year courses commence in July

Enrolment Season - opens approximately 2 months prior to our courses commencing. Enrol online here during our enrolment season.

We also offer two modes of study:

  1. Seminar Blended Mode - only 13 face-to-face days per year
  2. Online Supported Mode - study online only from anywhere

A Master of Counselling course was introduced in 2018.

Contact aifc

Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm