Distracting yourself from an Addiction - aifc
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Addictions can be tricky to deal with.  The desire to return to the familiar and comfortable can creep in suddenly having us running back to our old habits if we aren’t careful.    We need to have some plan of action in place to keep our minds occupied and focused on other things.  Distraction is a method used by a lot of people quitting their addictions that has been known to work.

Below Amanda Ogden, writer/blogger for, ‘Defying Shadows‘ provides 7 useful tips that we can use to distract ourselves when trying to kick a habit.

7 Ways To Distract Yourself From Addiction

People often develop addictions in an effort to distract themselves from the pain of daily life.  If an addiction itself is a distraction, you may think how could a distraction aid in helping overcome it?

A distraction can generally be considered to be undesirable.  When you think about a distraction, often with think of checking out Facebook or spending hours in from of the TV to cope with life. Healthy distractions can be different but can also be positive in the long run.

Below are some suggestions ways in which to distract you from addiction that might be helpful:

  1. Get away. Go outside for a walk, ride your bike, go for a run, or take the kids to the park.
  2. Sit still for just a couple of minutes, without any distractions, and put your attention on your breath.  Return to the breath when you get distracted.
  3. Try reading an inspirational book. Give yourself some quiet reading time away from your distraction.
  4. Spend times with the people you love.
  5. Look at taking a class or workshop in your local area that you have not tried before. It’s always good to try something new and meet new people while learning the same thing.
  6. Look at volunteering in your local area. By volunteering in your local area you will be learning something new as well as helping people within the community.
  7. Be a tourist in your own city and explore somewhere that you have either been to before or something different like a new theatre production, museum exhibition, music festival, cooking festival.


Originally posted on Defying Shadows by: Amanda Odgen7 Ways To Distract Yourself From An Addiction

Where to Get Help in Australia

Talk to your doctor who can point you in the right direction.

Visit CCAA to search for a Christian counsellor near you.

Visit ACA to search for a counsellor near you.

Free 24/7 Counselling Services

Lifeline on 13 11 14

Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800

MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978

Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467

Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36

Headspace on 1800 650 890

Studying at aifc

Have you thought about becoming a qualified counsellor? It’s a great opportunity to learn how you can extend God's love and grace to the hurting out in the community.

For those who would like to enrol in aifc’s accredited Christian counselling courses we have two intakes per year for courses commencing around the following months:

  • The beginning of each year in February
  • Mid-Year courses commence in July

Enrolment Season - opens approximately 2 months prior to our courses commencing. Enrol online here during our enrolment season.

We also offer two modes of study:

  1. Seminar Blended Mode - only 13 face-to-face days per year
  2. Online Supported Mode - study online only from anywhere

A Master of Counselling course was introduced in 2018.

Contact aifc

Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm