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The shortest Psalm and the greatest wisdom
Reading Time: 2 minutesPsalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible: just two verses, approximately thirty words. The message is powerful, especially for those who struggle with worry and anxiety. Here’s four take-away points from it.
5 tips to manage your Anxiety
Reading Time: 3 minutesThose of us who have a tendency to worry know what it’s like to feel constantly in fight or flight battle mode. It can leave us feeling exhausted. Here are 5 tips to help keep a check on your anxiety and manage it in ways that have been found to work.
The Story of Tim
Reading Time: 13 minutesThese are stressful times, and different brains respond in different ways. What exactly is happening here when social anxiety kicks in?
Focusing on Jesus
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe current season of Lent – which commenced on March 2nd – offers us an opportunity to do just that: keep our focus firmly on Jesus.
Wait. An Advent Reflection.
Reading Time: 2 minutesNear the heart of the Christmas / Advent Story is the expectation that God is going to offer a gift. The head-fake in this Bible story is that, when those waiting come up on or are given that gift, it’s just a baby.
Faith Under Pressure: Do you know who you are?
Who are you? A simple question to answer, or so it would seem. Responses will be varied depending on where you find yourself in this season of your life. Very often, one answers this question from the premise of a role. I am a husband. I am a wife. I am a mum. I am a...
Lest We Forget
Reading Time: 2 minutesDid you know that the phrase “lest we forget”, which we use to commemorate those who died in warfare, came from the Bible? “Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget!” So the context is God, not those who have died.
Faith Under Pressure: Where Are You Looking?
Reading Time: 4 minutesWhere can we turn to? Where can we look during times when we are being bombarded relentlessly, it seems. I’d like to suggest three places to look, if you will, all drawn from God’s Word that will hopefully enable us to move forward even when our faith is under pressure.
Where Does my Treasure Lie?
Reading Time: 3 minutesThere are many different opinions surrounding wealth. Through this lens of ultimate truth, we explore two key questions that if answered honesty and reflectively, can serve to ground us in uncertain times.
Finances Under Pressure
Reading Time: 3 minutesDue to COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions, many of us may have experienced a reduction in our household income over the last 18 months. Like a lot of other parts of life, our finances are under pressure, with counsellors telling us they are fielding callers to financial support and related mental health services – many for the first time. The following tips can help us cope and provide important perspective.
Reaching up, down, in and around
Reading Time: 3 minutesFranekel and Cho’s four-part framework can help couples and families cope in isolation and lockdown, and help mitigate the negative effects on our relationships.
Relationships Under Pressure
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhether you’re single, married, in a relationship, young, or not-so-young, chances are your relational world is under pressure as a result of the pandemic and the various levels of social distancing measures. So how do we navigate the next few months in ways that normalise the relationship struggles and equip us to redeem this time in the best way possible?