Our Blog
5 Ideas to Foster Gratitude
It’s amazing how much happier a home is when it is filled with gratefulness. And whether it’s called gratefulness of thankfulness, its presence in the home and in our individual hearts is a choice – even during lockdown! The reality is that despite our challenging...
Siblings, Snacks and Social Media
Reading Time: 3 minutesHere are some helpful tips to help you deal with three of the most common issues reported by parents under pressure: sibling rivalry, food habits, and how to safely manage technology use.
Reflections on Learning in Wartimes – Part 2
Reading Time: 3 minutesWe look into the seven things you can put in place in your situation to optimise your learning and growth.
Reflections on Learning in Wartimes – Part 1
Friends, in 1939, during WWII, C.S. Lewis wrote Learning in Wartime. If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to do so. You can access it here. C.S. Lewis’ words are wise words indeed and have much to say to us here and now. And, whilst we are not in a war per...
A Lament for Overthinkers Everywhere
Reading Time: 3 minutesMany of us struggle with habitual feelings of guilt and shame, worried that we are not doing, earning or being enough.
The Two Reasons we Hide from Love
Reading Time: 2 minutesFor a variety of reasons, most of us live two lives: an external life and an internal life.
A Vulnerable God – Part 2
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe past eighteen months have been such an interesting and distressing time for the whole world.
A Vulnerable God – Part 1
Reading Time: 3 minutesOf all the multiple ways our human brokenness shows up, probably none is more insidious and prevailing than shame. Shame whispers (and sometimes shouts)…
Baby Steps are the Hardest
Reading Time: 2 minutesEvery new beginning starts with one simple, and seemingly impossible question: but how?
4 Tips to Start Again Strong – A Guide for Humans
Reading Time: 2 minutesNew beginnings are part and parcel of all transitions. Those of us who have grieved endings and weathered heavy storms over the last year know that starting again is never easy.
X, Y & Z and the Three Fs
Reading Time: 3 minutesAlthough no one knows for sure what the long-term impact of the pandemic will be, it is likely to have a lasting effect on people of all ages and walks of life.
3 Ways to Live Intentionally
Reading Time: 2 minutesNurturing our resilience involves deliberately doing things that improve our ability to bounce back from the stresses of life.