Our Blog
X, Y & Z and the Three Fs
Reading Time: 3 minutesAlthough no one knows for sure what the long-term impact of the pandemic will be, it is likely to have a lasting effect on people of all ages and walks of life.
3 Ways to Live Intentionally
Reading Time: 2 minutesNurturing our resilience involves deliberately doing things that improve our ability to bounce back from the stresses of life.
An Epic Invitation
Reading Time: 3 minutesMany of us are realising we have been more deeply affected by the events of 2020 and 2021 than perhaps we initially expected.
Finding Our Way Through Through The Messy Middle
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt is a difficult time for all of us, and it is important that we stay as healthy, connected and supported as we can.
Preparing for Christmas
Two thousand years ago, before the birth of Jesus, John the Baptist urged the crowds to surrender their brokenness and pain to God and in so doing clear away any obstacle that would prevent Jesus from having full access to their hearts (Mark 1:3). John's message is...
5 Secrets for the Masculine Journey
“’The major crisis today is with men. When men are healed, the healing of women will naturally follow.’’ Written more than 35 years ago, the words by author Leanne Payne still ring true today. If anything, the need in 2020 is even greater: over July and August,...
Easter 2020
This year, Easter weekend may look somewhat different to other years. This year, we may feel stuck inside our homes. This year, the media reports may be gloomier than ever. This year, we may not be going on our traditional family holiday. This year, we may not be able...
Stewarding Christmas: How to Avoid the Three Christmas Traps
Reading Time: 5 minutesThree traps to avoid during Christmas if we want to celebrate in the right spirit of the season, which is about God’s unconditional love.
Fasten Your Gaze Onto Jesus
Reading Time: 3 minutesSusan Daniel points out that Jesus paid the ultimate price for our salvation and it is by fixing our eyes on Him that we have hope, joy and love.
7 Ways To Reduce Stress At Work Before Christmas
Reading Time: 3 minutesLife can become hectic and stressful in the rush to accomplish all of our tasks at work before Christmas. Here are 7 ways to help reduce stress at work.
A Christian Look At ‘The Will’
Reading Time: 2 minutesIn this devotional with Susan Daniel, we take a look at the significance of the will and what it means to line up our will with God’s will for our lives.
God Come Search My Heart – Weekly Devotional with Susan Daniel
Reading Time: 3 minutesSusan Daniel marvels at God’s greatness, sacrificial love, grace, power and holiness that transforms our lives, if we allow Him in.