Breaking Through the Terror Barrier: Reclaiming Your Power Over Fear - aifc
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What Is the Terror Barrier?

As a coach, I have seen countless people deal with their fears, creating a Terror Barrier that prevented them from achieving all God had for them. Let’s face it, fear can be a formidable force. It lurks in the corners of our minds, whispering doubts, questioning our abilities, and keeping us from taking the necessary steps to achieve our dreams. Over the past 15 years, I have had the privilege of coaching individuals who have faced their terror barriers and, with determination, have broken through them.

Witnessing these transformations has reaffirmed a truth I hold dear: fear is not a stop sign; it is a hurdle meant to be cleared.

Understanding the Role of Fear in Our Lives

We all carry certain beliefs—often unexamined—that hold us back. These beliefs convince us that we are incapable, unworthy, or ill-equipped to take control of our lives. As a result, we become passive, waiting for the world to dictate our next move rather than creating our own roadmap.

The Language of Fear: How Words Reflect Our Hesitations

Moving from Ambiguity to Certainty

The language we use reflects this hesitation. Words like “try,” “should,” and “some” indicate vague intentions rather than decisive action. I know this because I was once trapped in this mindset myself. I used these words frequently, and unsurprisingly, nothing in my life changed.

Everything shifted when I became intentional about the words I chose. I replaced ambiguity with certainty: “will” instead of “try,” “started on” instead of “should,” and “completed by” instead of “someday.” I assigned concrete numbers and deadlines to my goals. With this newfound clarity, I could measure my progress and hold myself accountable.

My Journey: Overcoming the Terror Barrier

From Consciously Incompetent to Unconsciously Competent

My struggle with the terror barrier stemmed from a lack of understanding. I knew fear was holding me back, but I didn’t know how to overcome it. I was consciously incompetent—I recognised my limitations but had no strategy to push past them. It felt like being lost while driving: I knew how to operate the vehicle, but I had no clear direction. I was waiting for some external GPS to guide me step by step, rather than taking control and mapping out my own route.

Practical Steps to Break Free from Fear

Define Your Goals with Precision

Many of us hesitate to set our own course because, deep down, we fear failure. What if we follow our own map and get lost? What if our efforts don’t lead to success? The fear of making the wrong turn can be so overwhelming that we prefer to wait for instructions from others, even when those directions may not align with our true desires.

But here’s the truth: everyone faces a terror barrier. Even the most successful, confident individuals encounter moments of doubt when they embark on something new. The difference is, they push through. They refuse to let fear dictate their actions.

Create a Clear and Detailed Plan

So how do we break free? The key is to become unconsciously competent. This means developing such a clear and detailed plan that taking action becomes second nature. We need to define our goals with precision, identify each step required to reach them, and follow through with commitment. When we know our route so well that we can navigate it without hesitation, fear loses its grip.

Take Action Until It Becomes Second Nature

I don’t know what fear is currently holding you back, but I do know this—you have the power to overcome it. Instead of fixating on why you can’t achieve something, shift your focus to how you can. When you do this, the limiting beliefs that have kept you confined to someone else’s roadmap will dissolve.

The Truth About Fear: Everyone Faces It

Why Fear Shouldn’t Dictate Your Actions

Ask yourself: Would I like to coach others to victory, help them deal with their fears and limiting beliefs, and watch their lives transform?

Are You Ready to Coach Others Through Their Fear?

The Transformative Power of Christian Coaching

If the answer is “yes,” we would love to welcome you to a growing and highly sought-after profession: Christian Coaching.

Start Your Coaching Journey Today

Discover AIFC’s Certificate in Christian Coaching

Are you ready to unlock your potential and inspire others to do the same? Discover how AIFC’s Certificate in Christian Coaching can transform your career, ministry, and personal life.

Visit Certificate in Christian Coaching to learn more and take the first step towards a fulfilling and impactful journey.

About Alex Sipala

A Life Dedicated to Coaching and Leadership

Alex Sipala is a dedicated coach, mentor, and thought leader with a passion for personal development and leadership. He leads a number of organisations and ministries and will be teaching and training in the upcoming AIFC Certificate in Christian Coaching.

Studying at aifc

Have you thought about becoming a qualified counsellor? It’s a great opportunity to learn how you can extend God's love and grace to the hurting out in the community.

For those who would like to enrol in aifc’s accredited Christian counselling courses we have two intakes per year for courses commencing around the following months:

  • The beginning of each year in February
  • Mid-Year courses commence in July

Enrolment Season - opens approximately 2 months prior to our courses commencing. Enrol online here during our enrolment season.

We also offer two modes of study:

  1. Seminar Blended Mode - only 13 face-to-face days per year
  2. Online Supported Mode - study online only from anywhere

A Master of Counselling course was introduced in 2018.

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