Celebrating the 2024 Graduates: Answering the Call to Christian Counselling
Graduation: A Time for Reflection and Celebration
Graduation is more than a ceremony—it’s a significant milestone that marks a journey of growth, perseverance, and faith. For our 2024 graduates, this moment is a celebration of their dedication to becoming Christian counsellors.
Transformation Through Faith and Learning
David Benner, in The Gift of Being Yourself, reflects on vocation as a journey of becoming in Christ. For our graduates, this journey has been about more than gaining knowledge—it’s been about transformation. They are now equipped to serve others with a Christ-centered approach to healing.
Christian Counselling: A Ministry of Presence
Christian counselling is not just a career; it’s a ministry. Our graduates will step into spaces of brokenness, offering hope, healing, and restoration through their Christ-centered approach.
A Commissioning for Our Graduates
- Go, knowing God’s presence is with you as you minister to the brokenhearted.
- Go, trusting that your vocation is a way of being in the world, not just a job.
- Go, as a light in the darkness, reflecting Christ’s love and truth.
- Go, remembering that your unseen work is never in vain.
- Go, boldly occupying the space God has prepared for you.
Stepping Into God-Given Purpose
As our graduates embark on this next chapter, they carry the tools, faith, and calling to bring transformation into the lives of those they serve. Their work will be a reflection of Christ’s love and a source of hope for those in need.
Closing Blessing for Our Graduates
May the Lord bless and guide you as you step into your God-given vocation. Well done, graduates—go and serve with courage, faith, and love.
Note: if you’re interested in studying our Quarter two 2025 intake has just opened. We invite you to book a Course Advisory Session today.
Have you thought about becoming a qualified counsellor? It’s a great opportunity to learn how you can extend God's love and grace to the hurting out in the community.
For those who would like to enrol in aifc’s accredited Christian counselling courses we have two intakes per year for courses commencing around the following months:
Enrolment Season - opens approximately 2 months prior to our courses commencing. Enrol online here during our enrolment season.
We also offer two modes of study:
A Master of Counselling course was introduced in 2018.