Facebook Blurb: There’s a growing need for our church leaders to be adequately equipped to provide others with emotional and mental health support.
The National Church Life Survey shows how numbers are rapidly increasing in the Australian community of people who are experiencing mental health or behavioural issues. There’s a growing need for our church leaders to be adequately equipped to provide others with emotional and mental health support.
According to the Church Life Survey
The figures below show statistics are on the rise in Australia.
- The Church Life Survey report shows Australians most commonly experience depression, bipolar and anxiety disorder.
- Statistics show 1 in 5 Australians experience a mental or behavioural condition. That’s 4 million people! These statistics have also increased by 1 million persons in Australia from 2013-2016
- According to the survey 1 in 4 Australian teenagers report, they have engaged in self-harm.
- In Australia, a staggering 20% of girls aged 16-17 meet the criteria for clinical depression.
- The top 3 pastoral needs in the church identified by leaders are faith issues 57%, mental health 52% and physical health 50%.
- The issues of greatest concerns to young Australians are stress and anxiety, school and study, body image and depression.
- The top 3 fastest growing needs in the community are mental health 66%, substance addiction 59% and mental health 52%.
- Churches feel inadequately equipped for pastoral care and counselling.
- The top 3 issues leaders report being less equipped and trained to effectively respond to are: sexual identity, substance addiction and mental health.
Did you know that 53% of pastoral teams identified that it would be beneficial to be equipped through formal counselling training?
See the (full) State of Mental Health infographic and register to download the full report: https://www.aifc.com.au/equipped/
Get equipped with aifc
Founded in 1992, aifc’s courses were created out of a growing need for counselling training with a Christian perspective. Almost 25 years on, aifc is a leader in the field.
Discover the CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling at aifc.
Book a Course Advisory session with one of our qualified trainers and assessors. (Subject to availability).
Watch a recorded webinar to help you clarify your suitability, find the right course and choosing a career path in the ‘Three Key Considerations Before Becoming A Christian Counsellor’
#mentalhealth #australia #church #survey #bible #education #christian #training
Sandra Ciminelli
Cred. Dip. Couns. (Christian)
Have you thought about becoming a qualified counsellor? It’s a great opportunity to learn how you can extend God's love and grace to the hurting out in the community.
For those who would like to enrol in aifc’s accredited Christian counselling courses we have two intakes per year for courses commencing around the following months:
Enrolment Season - opens approximately 2 months prior to our courses commencing. Enrol online here during our enrolment season.
We also offer two modes of study:
A Master of Counselling course was introduced in 2018.